CDRT/Cavell Cloud Comms Summit

CDRT/Cavell Cloud Comms Summit

Du 01 Décembre , 2020 - 09:00 jusqu'au 12:00


Visites: 3115

CCS France Registration Image VSMALL

Dear member,

We may not be able to travel or meet in person, but that does not hold us back to keep up with the latest in the industry and grow our network together!

CDRT in partnership with Research and Consulting firm Cavell Group would like to invite you to the upcoming Cloud Comms Summit France, now in its virtual format!

The conference will start at 9:00 AM Central European Time on the 1st of December and will feature top-level findings from Cavell’s most recent French Cloud Communications Market and Enterprise Reports, as well as a number of speakers from the leading vendors and service providers in the industry who will be sharing their insights, experiences and expectations for the future of communications.

The agenda will also address Microsoft’s strategy and insights into cloud networking and SD-WAN. This half-day virtual event will be concluded with a French spoken CDRT panel of local experts from service providers to discuss views, challenges, solutions and best practices in our market.

Admission is €200 for non-service providers/vendors, but FREE for  CDRT members, so you are welcome to come along and share this invite with your colleagues.

To register, go to:

We look forward to meeting you (virtually) there!

Le programme de la matinée (discussions en Anglais):


Speaker/s Duration Start CET End CET
Introduction to platform and agenda: Getting the Most out of this Event Francisca Dinga 10 mins 09:00 (8am GMT) 09:10
Opening Cavell Keynote * Dominic Black 30 mins 09:10 09:40
Industry Vision Keynote #1  Sponsored 10 mins 09:45 09:55
Future of Communications Panel Speakers TBD 40 mins 10:00 10:40
Networking Break - 30 mins 10:40 11:10
Microsoft Keynote (Cavell) Patrick Watson 15 mins 11:10 11:25
Industry Vision Keynote #2 Sponsored 10 mins 11:30 11:40
SD-WAN Keynote (Cavell) Finbarr Goode Begley 15 mins 11:45 12:00
Industry Vision Keynote #3 Sponsored 10 mins 12:05 12:15
Local Market SP Panel (French Speaking)** CDRT Members 40 mins 12:20 01:00

*présentation d’une analyse du marché suite à un questionnaire auprès de 1400 sociétés

**12h20 - 13h00 Table ronde en Français organisée par le CDRT :
« La vision du marché français des communications unifiées en 2020 »

Les sujets qui seront abordés au cours de cette table ronde :

Les participants :